Oh hello!

Here are 10 things about me so you can get to know me better:

1. My passion lies in design. I own and manage my own Etsy store: Owl You Need Is Love.

2. I love to travel. My dream is to someday get the opportunity to backpack Europe.

3. Canada, eh? Yes it’s true, I was born and raised in Canada, but I actually just became an American citizen a little over a year ago!

4. I’m slightly addicted to “cutesy” things. You can tell in my design aesthetic that I have a more playful, illustrated vibe.

5. I’m kind of a nerd – there’s nothing like losing yourself in a good book.

6. I love trying new things. New restaurant? New hobby? New place to visit? Bring it on.

7. My absolute favorite food is sandwiches. It’s a little crazy how many I eat a week…

8. I’m an organizational addict. I’ve been guilty to make a to-do list about making a to-do list.

9. I speak my mind. People close to me can attest that I’m pretty vocal about my opinions. A blessing and a curse I guess.

10. I currently live in Austin, Texas, and I love it here! There’s a countless amount of things to do. You can never get bored in a city like this.




Owl You Need Is Love is my store of wall art and print designs. A graphic designer from Austin, my designs definitely have a lot of personality in them, whether I express that with color, animals, humor or fun fonts. People love to display conversational pieces in their home and that’s something I like to cater to.

Design is my number one passion. From owning my own Etsy store along with being a full-time graphic designer, all my days are consumed with design, but I love it every minute of it. When I was little, I would always spent my time doodling or glueing magazine scraps to all my notebooks, so becoming a graphic designer was inevitable to me.

Owl You Need Is Love was formed after some persistence from my roommate to design some wall art for our apartment. It was no surprise that because of my obsession with owls, that my first design was my “Owl You Need Is Love” print. That one print turned into several prints, which evolved into creating my own Etsy store. It has really grown more than I could’ve imagined. The support from everyone has been incredible.

One of my favorite things is when customers share with me their stories behind their purchases. Ones who tell me how excited they are to receive their item in the mail, or that they’re buying a print for a friend who is going through a hard time, or maybe they just wanted some cute pieces to decorate their home. I read and appreciate all the comments and messages I get.

My most popular print by far is my “Austin Bucket List.” It’s a list of 50 things you must experience in Austin. It’s focused on all the awesome, local things to do here. This bucket list is really a one-of-a-kind piece that you won’t find anywhere else. It’s perfect for visitors who need a starting point, locals who want to try something new, or just a conversational piece in your home. I’ve been hoping to expand my bucket list to different cities eventually.

Thanks for reading about me and my store. Every bit of support truly keeps me motivated to keep going and conquer my dreams.

4 thoughts on “Oh hello!

  1. I LOVE your life list you made. Many of those I have done myself, like a safari in africa where i saw a wild giraffe… amazing! I hope one day you can experience it too. You have inspired me to create my own.

  2. Hi Katelyn! So glad I’ve inspired you to create your own life list! I hope you follow through with it, because it is so worth it. Every time I travel, I always look at my list and see what I can try to accomplish. And I definitely can’t wait to go on a safari one day in Africa!

  3. I’m not a designer, but i loooove pretty things, and i’ve seen a lot here in your blog. You’ve created a really entretaining website, congrats on it!, starting with the title, hypothetical whale5 to that!.

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